About us

Artistic direction | Emmanuel Duprat
After studying at École du Louvre in Paris in History of Art and Museology, he began his career as an Art Expert and Auctioneer in Montreal. Ad Artem Canada was created in 1992 first with the idea to open the North American cultural space to the most representative European artists through cultural events, donations to museums, national libraries, and Universities, and the complete management of their communication. Ad Artem represented writers, many of the French Academy, filmmakers, painters, poets, sculptors, and used Montreal, the only French-speaking city in North America as a cultural embassy to promote their talents in the USA and Canada. Today, we lead the adArtem project from Europe with international projects assisted by a team of specialists.

Art History/Edition | Olga Piccolo
After graduating in Art History, she obtained her Postgraduate diploma and Ph.D. in the same discipline in Italy. She is involved in art-historical research, with particular attention to the investigation of bibliographic and archival sources, the history of collecting (museum and private), and the verification of authenticity and attribution of artworks. On these issues, she has published several highly specialized contributions in academic and scientific books and journals. She has worked in the Due Diligence of artworks of great importance, held in public museums and private collections, first for international Art Advisory companies and in recent years as a freelance professional. She is also interested in aspects of conservation and enhancement of artworks.

Banking, Juridical | Jean-Olivier Tedesco
Ph.D. in Law, Ph.D. in Economics, Master in Political Science, Paris II-Assas University, graduated from ENA (National School of Administration) in France, he has over 33 years of experience in Investment Banking & Private Banking (Senior Advisor of Salomon Brothers Europe and Special Advisor to the Presidence of BSS Geneva) before leading his private investment projects for the last ten years. He is currently in charge of negotiating & structuring the acquisition process and the transactions for the adArtem project.

Contact: contact@adartemproject.com