Expertise and research

Expertise, [ek-sper-teez]

“… Procedure by which we entrust one or more mandated experts, art historians, and scientists the care to give an opinion on a work of art based on technical, documentary, and scientific elements. Expertise, if granted by the international art community, will confirm the authenticity and value of the work …”

The acquisition, the sale, or the donation of an artwork often raises the issue of its authenticity and its provenance and consequently, of its value. Our team of experts, art historians, and our partner laboratories is trained to assist the client and ensure complete due diligence on the artworks, in establishing a complete research report necessary to obtain a certificate recognized internationally by the art market.

Given the impressive amounts of money that some works of art represent and the responsibilities related to their certification, Due Diligence has become increasingly demanding and requires the help of one or more experts who are subject to strict rules of ethics and control.

    Due Diligence:
  • Photographies HD
  • Physical assessment of artwork
  • Complete verification and research of the origin
  • Complete verification and research of the bibliography
  • Catalogues raisonnés
  • Contacts with museums and libraries, and their archives
  • Verification of former certificates
  • Contact with the official expert of the artist on study
  • Conditon report
  • Restoration (if necessary)
  • Scientific analysis
  • Art Loss Register, OCBC, Europol, Interpol databases
  • Juridical verification of full property
  • Obtaining a Passport (For Entrance/Exit)
  • Administrative registration work with the concerned Ministries
  • Transport and insurances
  • etc…